Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

       Facing the stage of globalization forces everyone to master English because of the high competition in this era. Many foreign factories lead national economic. Furthermore, as the hope generation of the nation, it’s important for us to have enough skill to face every growing competition.
There are connections between English and globalization, actually, English is universal language which is used by some countries. English has been announced as one verbal language to communicate internationally with everyone in many countries. There are some reasons about the role of English, such as :
  1. Increasing skill globally
If the understanding of English has been already better, we can understand global condition well Because there are many interlocal phrases that have been used many times.
  1. Increasing self quality and potency
Somebody who has skill in interlocal languages will be confident in the public places. Besides, it will make life rate better because English will give positive value to the career.
  1. Improving Internationally Connection
Clearly, one who has good interlocal language skill will socialize and communicate internationally.
As example, the writer has ever met the difficulty about English. Program which is conducted gradually almost in every level. Like national examination in his time. English becomes a must and it is used as the requirement of the students’ graduation. Furthermore, to face university examination, we observe how important English is to be understood and become one ability in understanding and is used in social life. Everybody should comprehend English if she/he doesn’t want to be lost by the time.
          Other example is in job vacancy, almost all multinational factories pursue their staffs to be able to speak English verbal and non-verbal. When facing the interview, for example, eventually many have adapted the use of that English from curriculum vitae that is launched by applicant candidates until writing test. We know that entering competitive work world, communication with other person especially from abroad is a must which every person is forced to communicate internationally.
          As the flow of time and technology, the circumstance of mastering English now has not become difficult thing. Besides, many course places offer teaching service and understanding English which the way and system are different every places.

1 .
  • Climbing has three different types as explained below.
  • There are three kinds of climbing.
  • If you like climbing, you must know the types of it.
  • Do you know the types of climbing?
  • If you want to be a professional climber, you must know the types of climbing. (Izzah and friend)
  • Do you know how many kinds of climbing? The explanation is in the text bellow. (Meilda and friends)
  • The following paragraph explains some types of climbing. (fifin and friends)
  • You need to read this paragraph if you want to know some kinds of climbing. (nikita and friends)
  • There are various kinds of climbing that will be explained in this text. (yuni and friends)
  • Three sorts of climbing must be known by climbers. (husniyah and friends)
  • Climbing has several types, here they are. (anindya and friends)
  • To be an expert climber, you must try some sorts of climbing. (isnaini and friends)
  • How to get a teaching license? Here are the criteria.
  • Getting a teaching license is easy, if you meet the following qualifications.
  • Do you want to get a teaching license? These are the requirement.
  • To have a teaching license, you must know some qualifications. (anindya and friends)
  • Teacher must have a teaching license and there are four prerequisites to get it. (husniyah and friends)
  • Have you had a teaching license? If you haven’t, these are the criteria to get it. (yuni and friends)
  • To get a teaching license simply, you have to read this paragraph. (fifin and friends)
  • You must have these criteria to receive a teaching license. (isnaini and friends)
  • Do you know why some people leave their breakfast?
  • There are some reasons to leave breakfast.
  • People have their own reasons not to have breakfast.
  • The following are the reasons why some people don’t have breakfast.
  • The reasons some people don’t eat breakfast are in the following.
  • Why do people not get breakfast? (anindya and friends)
  • Some people don’t like breakfast due to some factors. (Izzah and friend)
  • Some people don’t know how important breakfast is, so they always leave it. These are the reasons. . (Meilda and friends)
  • Some people consider some reasons not to have their breakfast. (fifin and friends)
  • Some people don’t like breakfast. What are the causes? (yuni and friends)
  • I would tell you the factors that make people leave breakfast. (husniyah and friends)
  • Eating breakfast is uncommon for some people due to some factors. (isnaini and friends)
  • Eating breakfast is very important, many people don’t like it. Do you know the reasons why? (isnaini and friends)

How to Make Your Presentation Better

Steve Jobs is the most extraordinary presenter in America who can give inspiring presentation. There are several keys techniques that usually used by Steve Jobs. You can follow his techniques for your nice presentation.
  1. Set the theme for his presentation.
  • There is single headline that set the theme.
  • Make your theme clear and consistent.
  1. Creat a headline that sets the direction for your meeting.
  • Give your audience a reason to listen.
  • Provide the outline.
Example : There is a thing that I have to talk about.
  1. Open and close each section with clear transition.
For example : “.. and the first thing that I want to show you this morning.
  • Make it easy to your listener to follow your story.
  • Give demonstration enthusiasm by using some words such as extraordinary, amazing, cool, incredible, awesome, etc.
  1. Sell your experience.
  • Give numbers & statistics meaningful.
Example : We have sold 4 million Iphones today.
  1. Make the presentation visual and simple by painting a simple picture that doesn’t overwhelm , giving video clip, demonstration, etc.
  2. Give them a show.
  • Steve Jobs gave the example by opening new laptop in front of the audience.
  1. Identify your memorable moment and build up to it.
  • Jobs always do rehearsal many times about what he speaks. So, spend the time to rehearse.
  1. Give your audience an added bonus to walk away with.


    Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di UNISMA adalah jurusan yang cukup diperhitungkan oleh masyarakat karena banyak lulusanya yang ke luar negeri karena mendapat beasiswa. Hal itu membuat jurusan ini sangat diminati masyarakat. Mahasiswa jurusan Pedidikan Bahasa Inggris dikenal lebih disiplin, rajin masuk kelas, dan berpengetahuan luas dibanding mahasiswa jurusan-jurusan lain yang ada di UNISMA. Jurusan ini memiliki organisasi yang cukup terkenal, yaitu ESA atau English Student Association. Organisasi ini diketuai oleh Faruq. Banyak seminar, lomba, dan workshop diadakan oleh ESA dan untuk mengorientasikan mahasiswa baru, ESA mengadakan Friendship Journey yang tahun ini diadakan di Coban Talun.
Banyak prestasi didulang oleh mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa Inggris UNISMA seperti memenangkan lomba essay, lomba debat, dan lomba berpidato Bahasa Inggris. Di jurusan ini banyak dosen-dosen berkompeten sebut saja Mr. Yunus, Mr. Ali Ashari, Mr. Yahya Alaydrus, Miss Ika, Miss Atik Umamah, Miss Noni Mia, Miss Kurniasih, Mr. Dzulfikri, dll. Mereka semua adalah dosen-dosen yang ramah, pintar, dan rajin. Jurusan ini diminati juga karena Bahasa Inggris sudah sangat dibutuhkan setiap orang di era globalisasi ini.


        FKIP atau Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan adalah fakultas yang paling bergengsi di UNISMA. FKIP UNISMA yang didirikan pada tanggal 27 Maret 1981 bertepatan dengan tanggal 20 Jumadil Awal 1401 Hijriyah memiliki 4 jurusan yaitu :
  1. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.
  2. Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika.
  3. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
  4. Dan yang baru dibentuk, Jurusan Pendidikan Profesi Guru.
Banyak kegiatan telah dibuat oleh FKIP seperti SKM ( Studi Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa ) , seminar, workshop, dan lomba-lomba
seperti putra-putri FKIP. Banyak prestasi yang diraih oleh mahasiswa FKIP seperti menjadi pemenang lomba essay, lomba berpidato, lomba debat, dll. Mahasiswa dan dosen FKIP terkenal disiplin, cerdas, ceria, dan cemerlang. Oleh karena itu fakultas ini sangat diminati oleh banyak orang. Terlihat banyaknya mahasiswa dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Kantor FKIP terletak di depan gerbang pintu sebelah barat.
- Menjadi fakultas unggul berorientasi masa depan dalam IPTEK dan budaya untuk kemaslahatan
umat yang berakhlakul karimah, berlandaskan Islam Ahlussunah Wal Jama’ah An Nahdliyah.
  • Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, penelitian pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang berpihak kepada kemaslahatan umat menuju fakultas berkualitas.
  • Mengembangkan dan menyebar luaskan akses pendidikan dan ajaran Ahlussunah Wal Jama’ah
An Nahdliyah.
- Mengembangkan ilmu pendidikan, ilmu pengetahuan , teknologi, seni dan budaya guna
meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat dan kemaslahatan umat.
  • Menghasilkan Sumber Daya Manusia berkualitas dan bertaqwa yang mampu bersaing di era global dengan sikap toleran dan moderat.

FKIP UNISMA mempunyai warna bendera berwarna ungu.
Susunan pimpinan FKIP UNISMA.
Dekan : Dr. H. Nur Fajar Arief MPd.
Pembantu Dekan I : Dr. Sunismi MPd.
Pembantu Dekan II : Drs. H. Ali Ashari MPd.
Pembantu Dekan III : Dr. Rulam Ahmadi MPd.
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia : Dr. Mukaromah MPd.
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika : Drs. Mustangin MPd.
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris : Hamidin Spd. MPd.
Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Profesi Guru : Dr. Sri Wahyuni MPd.
            Demikian sekilas tentang FKIP UNISMA. Fakultas yang paling bergengsi di UNISMA.